June 2023 | Cupcake Sale
Within KISJ community, our LiNK team sold over 80 hand-baked red-velvet cupcakes for two days. In total, our team has raised over 200 USD, and all of the venues will be fully donated for aiding spacing and escaping North Korean defects suffering human right crisis at this moment.
KISJ LiNK has worked for...
50초 평화 통일 Shorts 영화제 | Youth Peace and Unification Cultural Contest
Our team has participated in the Youth Peace and Unification Cultural Contest (50초 평화 통일 숏츠 영화제) held by National Unification Education Insitute. We divided the team into four smaller groups to have diverse topics of unification covered in our project. By directly experiencing the culture of reunification and embracing the idea of reunification, we could cultivate a sense of correct and positive peace among not just ourselves, but in the entire youth community in South Korea. Despite not having awarded, the process of planning and filming Shorts made the team to be even more engaged with the topic of reunification.
Group 1: 바로호: 교류의 장 |Baro-ho: The venue for cultural exchange|
Group 2: 꽃길 |A Bed of Roses|
Group 3: 준태쿠의 통일단속 |Juntaeku|
Group 4: 말의 힘 |The Power of Words|
Advocacy Letter Recognized
LiNK “letter of advocacy NK special envoy in US administration” was recognized by the US senator Tammy Duckworth and in the 118th congress. With that, the wholesome effort of LiNK global team (including our letter) finally led to the appointment of NK envoy in Biden administration! Below is an exert from Korea Daily news and Senator’s response.
“Thank you for contacting me about our Nation's foreign policy. I appreciate you taking the time to make me aware of your concerns as the Senate prepares for the 118th Congress.
As your Senator, I was sent to Washington to get results, and I worked hard in the 117th Congress to deliver for my constituents and Americans all across this country. The national security challenges facing our Nation will likely grow in complexity and size in the coming years. Whether it is countering the proliferation of nuclear weapons or protecting the rules-based international system, effective global engagement and cooperation are more important than ever to advance our core security interests overseas and help make Americans safer at home. I am committed to ensuring the United States remains a leader in these global conversations in the 118th Congress.”
(Senator Tammy Duckworth)
“U.S. President Joe Biden has nominated a State Department official as a new special envoy for North Korean human rights, the White House said Monday.
Julie Turner, director of East Asia and the Pacific at the department's bureau of democracy, human rights and labor, is the nominee.
"Turner has served more than 16 years in the Office of East Asia and the Pacific, in positions of increasing responsibility, primarily focused on initiatives related to promoting human rights in North Korea, including a tour as special assistant in the Office of the Special Envoy on North Korean Human Rights Issues," the White House said in a press release.
If confirmed, Turner will serve with the rank of ambassador, it added.
She will also be the first serve in the post since early 2017”
Speaker Invite Session: Escape
One of the most notable activities was our recent speaker invite via zoom. The KISJ Liberty in North Korea rescue team recently held a speaker event featuring a North Korean defector working as a LiNK coordinator in Seoul, South Korea. The speaker shared their personal story of fleeing North Korea and the difficulties they faced in adjusting to life outside of the isolated country. Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) is a non-governmental organization working to empower the North Korean people and help refugees safely escape through a modern underground railroad and resettle in South Korea or America. The event discussed the challenges of resettlement and the obstacles North Korean defectors face in adjusting to life in a new country, including finding employment and housing, and facing discrimination and prejudice. The speaker shared how LiNK helped them overcome these difficulties. The event was a powerful reminder of the ongoing human rights crisis in North Korea and the importance of supporting defectors in their journey toward freedom.
Advocay Letter Project
With our Language team’s initiation, our kisj LiNK rescue team published our advocacy letter for appointment of special NK envoy in US administration. The letter has been successfully submitted through @libertyinnorthkorea !
Idea Competition for Improving North Korean Human Rights
We proposed a idea that set its focus on international advocacy. Just like our LiNK global team pursues global interconnection, we the kisj rescue team drafted a plausible solution.